8 East First Street
Oil city Pennsylvania 16301
Registered with Real Estate Commission - State of Pennsylvania USA William P. Moon, Jr.
License # RM-423628
Gates and Burns Realty, Inc is full service PA. licensed real estate company serving the Oil Region 1889 with offices in Oil City and Clarion, Pennsylvania and covering the Franklin area. Gates & Burns Realty, Inc. is registered with the Real Estate Commission in State of Pennsylvania, USA
MLS Code: 159398
574 Bouquin Circle, Oil City
MLS Code: 159417
20 Scotts Lane
MLS Code: 160908
24 Kevin Circle, OC
MLS Code: 160807
714 Allegheny Avenue - OC
MLS Code: 161027
410 Euclid Avenue, OC
MLS Code: 161029
14 E. Fifth Street, OC
MLS Code: 161045
419 Bissell Avenue
MLS Code: 161049
315 W. 5th Street - Oil City
MLS Code: 161154
603 Central Avenue
MLS Code: 161170
371 Peaceful Valley Road